Why You Should Monitor Who’s Speaking For You

In a world where people do not speak frequently about themselves, an important way to monitor your wedding businesses is by paying attention to your representation. You want your customers to be treated in a certain way. Whether it’s an email, phone conversation, or face-to-face meeting, you know the words you will use to engage and win a customer. Owner-operators who do their own posting on Facebook, converse with and service each customer, may feel as if he or she (or you) have everything under control.

Do they really? Do you really? A number of gatekeepers are speaking for you before you are able to speak to the customer.

Is your voice-mail passionate, caring, and sincere instead of dry and generic?

Is your website alluring and engaging? Does it explains your company’s mission and services without overwhelming the visitor? Does it make contacting you easy for the bride?

Is your business card elegant, well designed, and a good projection of quality?

Is your sales literature professionally designed?

Do your salespeople care about your business and customers like you do? Does selling and growing your business motivate them? Do they go the extra mile or take the path of least resistance?

Do the vendors that refer you understand your business? Do their recommendations resonate with the couple or do they just hand out business cards?

Neglecting to monitor anyone posting on social media for you or your company is a dangerous road. Is the person posting on your social media knowledgeable? Do their posts reflect the voice of your company? Is the spelling and grammar correct?

Taking the time to examine these is important to the future of your business. The larger your company is and the more you delegate, the more attention you need to pay to these aspects.

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