How to Close the Sale with Wedding Couples: Groom the Groom

Since more and more couples have started paying for their wedding, the groom has become an influencer. During my years as a wedding professional, many grooms were passionate about the wedding and became as meticulously involved in the planning process as the bride.

Generally speaking, that is the exception, not the norm. Grooms will give entertainment, photography, video and limousines more attention and show less interest in flowers and invitations. In the areas where the groom and bride share interests, the groom’s scope is often different, since the grooms tend to be more bottom-line oriented.

When a potential client is contacting you for an appointment, it is a good practice to have the decision makers present. This way you can close the sale on the spot. However, for example, if a bride is looking at invitations having the groom present may not be the best strategy, even if he is involved in paying for them. The 2-3 hours it can take to select an invitation could, for the groom, be agonizing to sit through patiently. I used to offer to turn on a TV in the other room and let him watch a sporting event. By doing so the bride could explore different options and go through the process of elimination yet still have access to bring the groom at the end in order to make a final decision.

Usually, posturing yourself during the sales process as an assistant buyer rather than a salesperson is the better option. If you develop a strong rapport with the groom, and if he believes that you are looking out for their best interest, he may treat you as if you were part of the decision process and ask your opinion. This can be the deciding vote to complete the sale.
Make sure amenities  such as snacks, drinks, and restrooms are accessible. Sometimes just making the groom comfortable to stay and not lose patience is all you need to make the sale.

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